ENS Courses in Computer Science – Contact

Teaching secretary

Mohamed Salim Aboubacar
École normale supérieure
Département Informatique
Passage bleu, F033 (Rataud wing, ground floor)
45 rue d’Ulm
75230 Paris Cedex 05, FRANCE

Tel: (+33) 1-44-32-20-45
Fax: (+33) 1-44-32-20-75
Email: mohamed.salim.aboubacar@ens.psl.eu


Director of the department
David Pointcheval
Study directors
Jérôme Féret and Marc Pouzet
ENS representative for M2 MPRI
Brice Minaud
ENS representative for M2 IASD
Pierre Senellart
In charge of CPGE competition
Pierre Senellart
In charge of international selection
David Naccache and Michaël Thomazo
In charge of student admission
David Naccache and Benadette Charron-Bost
Maintainer of this Web site
Pierre Senellart


A tutor is assigned to each normalien to help with the organization of studies, to advise on internship, courses, orientation. It is recommended to regularly meet one’s tutor, not only when required for study contracts and reviews of the past year. The normalien can request changing tutors.